The Lec Airfield
The Airfield is approximately 44 acres in size and was acquired by Lec Refrigeration and the grass runway opened after the war in the 1940's. The airfield was vastly improved in 1984 with the creation of a hard tarmac surface with runway lights by Charles Purley and his son, David. There was a hanger built at the same time but this was subsequently damaged by a fire in 2001 and taken down.
Local Plan and Enterprise Bognor Regis
Arun District Council's (ADC's) draft Local Plan (2014) identifies the Lec Airfield (Airfield Park) as one of four strategic employment development sites located on the northern edge of Bognor Regis called Enterprise Bognor Regis (see EBR leaflet below). EBR comprises 70 hectares of land at Oldlands Farm, Salt Box, Rowan Way Caravan Park and Airfield Park which can accommodate 150 businesses and provide 4,000 jobs.
Rolls Royce Motor Cars have taken advantage of this opportunity and are progressing the construction of their new 30,000 sq. m. technology and logistics facility on Oldlands Farm.
Consultation on a proposed Local Development Order (LDO) for the EBR sites has been completed, and the outcome is awaited. The LDO proposes to grant permitted development rights for business-related development and allow developers and occupiers to benefit from accelerated and simplified planning.
Discussions are taking place with stakeholders to deliver a new link road to connect Felpham Way to the Bognor Regis Northern Relief Road (BRNRR), the route for which has been reserved in the Arun Local Plan. This link will open up the Airfield Park site and connect with key masterplan sites in the town centre. The BRNRR is currently under construction and will be completed in 2016.
SDLL strongly supports the Arun Local Plan and ADC's Enterprise Bognor Regis proposals and has actively participated in the consultation and examination process. SDLL has also suppoted ADC's bid for Enterprise Zone status for EBR. In the meantime, SDLL continues to undertake technical work to inform the process of bringing forward the Airfield Park scheme for development as mixed employment uses in a parkland setting.